Registration on EvaluationsHub

Registration on EvaluationsHub

Welcome to EvaluationsHub!

First step of the registration

To register you and your company on Evaluationshub and to create your custom domain name for your compnay, surf to
If you cannot find the link, you can always navigate to and click on the button on the top right: 'Login'.

Second step of the registration

On the first page of the registration process you will find a form to be filled out. It looks like this: 

Enter your first name and family name. Also enter your email address.

You will need to enter a business email address because EvaluationsHub is build for the business-to-business environment only. If you enter a Hotmail, Gmail, Mailinator, or similar, you won't be able to register.

The domain is your future custom company's page on evaluationshub. This is a URL for your company and the external companies (either suppliers or customers) that you will add to the application in a later step. We limit the use of any other company name for your subdomain, e.g. If your company name is already taken, you will have the possibility to make changes to the 'yourcompany' subdomain name. For example, if yourcompany is already taken, then you can add additional characters to the name, such as yourcompanyfrance, and your custom subdomain becomes 

You only have to enter your password once.
You can verify the password by clicking on the eye icon to preview the entered password.
You do not need to confirm the password. In case you misspelled the password during the registration process, you can can reset your password in the login screen on and click 'Forgot password?' 

You have to read the terms and conditions, and the privacy statement first
and then check the checkbox if you have read the documents and you give your consent to Vockam SAS and EvaluationsHub.

It is possible that you get to see a pop-up error message when the email address already has been registered.
This means that you are already registered and you then need to click on the button 'Already have an account?Login' to login with your email address. In case you forgot the password that is linked to this email address, you can click on Forgot Password? to go to the page where you can reinitialize your password.

Final step of the registration

Click on the 'Sign up' button to go to next page.

Now, you will receive an email verification in your inbox. We sent an email from to the email address that you have entered. If you have not received it within 2 minutes, please check your spam folder, and add to your trusted email addresses. 

Click on the verification button in the email before you login with your credentials
Thus your email address and the password on this screen:

If the password doesn't work, it could be that you have not verified your email address. Check your inbox or spam folder for an email sent from 

We use different websites for EvaluationsHub. The marketing website is and for the web application, we deploy on We do this because it creates a better level of stability for websites. The third website is your custom domain or subdomain. A subdomain are the characters before 

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